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Exceptional Wisdom
Teeth Removal

Kirby Johnson, DDS is a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon with over 30 years of experience, allowing him to provide premium services to his patients in Minnetonka, MN. He works closely with his on-staff pediatric anesthesiologist and leverages his wealth of knowledge to deliver exceptional care in a state-of-the-art practice, setting the standard for wisdom teeth removal.

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Wisdom Tooth Consult!

The Wise Choice For Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Located in Minnetonka, MN, Wise Decision Wisdom Teeth Specialists works to provide quality oral healthcare to every member in the community. When you come to our practice we want you to feel like you have truly made a wise decision. That’s why we prioritize patient comfort and take time to fully educate our patients on how their procedures will unfold.

We specialize in wisdom teeth extraction, tooth extractions for children, extractions to prepare for orthodontic care, and expose and bond procedures. But our strengths also include making every patient feel informed and at ease every time they come to our office by prioritizing patient care. For the past 30 years our lead surgeon, Dr. Kirby Johnson, has personally called each patient the night after their procedure to check in on them. This is just one example of the compassion and personalized experience you can expect from Wise Decision. If you’re ready to learn more about why choosing us is the smartest choice you can make, contact our office in Minnetonka to schedule a consultation. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice.

Specialized Pediatric Care

Wise Decision is designed for kids and teens to have their wisdom teeth removed. But their needs differ from adults and need special care and attention. That’s why we proudly have onsite pediatric anesthesiologists on staff who undergo specialized training to administer anesthesia to even our youngest patients.

A Category 1 Anesthesiology Facility

Anesthesia requires specialized training and the utmost attention to detail. When we built Wise Decision, we wanted to make sure every patient felt safe coming to us for their oral surgery procedures. We intentionally built our practice to align with Category 1 anesthesia standards. These standards align with those of ambulatory surgery centers to prioritize patient safety at all times.

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