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Tooth Extractions

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Alleviate Discomfort & Improve Oral Health

At Wise Decision, we like to think of ourselves as tooth extraction experts. Tooth extractions are necessary for a variety of reasons. We’re dedicated to improving oral health care by providing services that work in tandem with orthodontic treatments and set our patients up for long-term optimal oral health. We focus on tooth extractions for our younger patients, or patients who are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Dr. Johnson has over 30 years of experience performing extractions for patients of all ages. Whether your child needs a damaged primary tooth pulled or a tooth removed to optimize orthodontic treatment, we’re here to help. Contact our practice in Minnetonka, MN today to set up a consultation and discover how we can guide you toward a more beautiful smile.

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Pediatric Tooth Extractions

Pediatric tooth extractions are necessary when a primary tooth, commonly referred to as a baby tooth, is severely damaged or infected and must be removed. Let’s face it, our kids are prone to accidents, whether it’s tripping on the playground or falling off a bike. They’re resilient and can often get up, wipe their wounds, and continue on with their fun. But if a tooth is damaged, they can experience issues including pain or infection.

Children are susceptible to cavities because of their often less than ideal oral hygiene habits. While dentists can often address this issue, sometimes a baby tooth becomes so decayed, it is past the point of repair.

In both of these cases, a pediatric tooth extraction is necessary to protect the remaining teeth, the underlying adult teeth, and prevent future complications.

Orthodontic Tooth Extractions

If a candidate for orthodontic treatment has extra teeth, or not enough room for all of their teeth which creates severe overcrowding, an orthodontic tooth extraction may be recommended. It is important to note that orthodontists will explore other routes of treatment before deciding on this option. However, there are a few reasons why an orthodontist may ultimately decide a tooth extraction is necessary. They may be performed before or during orthodontic treatment.

While orthodontic tooth extractions aren’t necessary for orthodontic treatment they may be effective for patients who:

  • Have a tooth that is too large for their mouth.
  • A tooth growing in the wrong direction.
  • A sore, painful, or sensitive tooth.
  • Have teeth that will not benefit from braces unless the extraction is performed.
  • Have a discolored, chipped, cracked, or damaged tooth.

Typically the teeth removed in an orthodontic tooth extraction are the premolars, although this is dependent on the patient’s unique case.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

A tooth extraction—whether pediatric or for orthodontic treatment—works very similarly to a typical tooth extraction. After oral health and the condition necessitating the extraction is fully assessed, your surgeon will administer anesthesia. Typically, local anesthesia is used but, depending on the complexity of the procedure or the patient’s level of dental anxiety, IV sedation may be used to create a more comfortable experience.

For pediatric tooth extractions

During the procedure, Dr. Johnson will carefully remove the affected tooth with small tools, designed for pediatric mouths. He will also assess the surrounding bone to ensure there is no damage. Following the extraction, gauze is applied to the surgical site and sutures may be applied. To ensure that there is enough room for permanent teeth to erupt properly, a space maintainer will be used to keep surrounding teeth in their proper positions to prevent shifting.

For orthodontic tooth extractions

After the anesthesia kicks in, Dr. Johnson will remove the tooth. Following the extraction, stitches will be applied to the hole. These sutures will either dissolve on their own or be removed by your doctor at a follow-up appointment. You may be given a syringe to flush out the hole on occasion to ensure it does not accumulate any debris. Unlike a traditional tooth extraction, the hole will not have a space retainer or bone graft applied. Since the tooth was removed to make room for more teeth, your orthodontist will closely monitor your remaining teeth to ensure they shift into the empty space correctly.

Recovery After Tooth Extraction

For either tooth extraction procedure, make sure your child rests and avoids strenuous activity for a few days. They should avoid hot, spicy, crunchy, or sticky foods to avoid any complications in recovery and take over-the-counter pain medication to treat any discomfort experienced during the healing period. If directed by Dr. Johnson, they should gently swish warm salt water or, if provided, an antiseptic in their mouth. If you were provided a syringe to remove debris from the hole, be sure to use it as directed. Because the mouth is one of the fastest healing parts of the body, you can expect to return to normal activities within a few days.

Types of Anesthesia

Depending on your procedure, you will receive one of the following forms of anesthesia to ensure your comfort.

The Smart Choice for Exceptional Extractions & Oral Health

Optimal oral health outcomes. That's our top goal at Wise Decision. At our office in Minnetonka, MN, we proudly provide our community as a specialized practice where all we do is wisdom teeth extractions to make room for better smiles. Schedule a consultation today and see why placing your oral health in our hands is such a wise decision.