3D Scanning
Copyright ©Nuvolum 2025. All Rights Reserved.Wise Decision: where the intersection of compassionate care and cutting-edge technology lives. Led by Dr. Johnson, our compassionate staff works to provide our patients with effective treatments and personalized care. We take advantage of the latest in 3D imaging technology to put your needs at the forefront of all that we do.
Benefits of 3D Scans
Traditional 2D scans are a thing of the past. Instead, we utilize advanced 3D scanning technology to:
- Create highly detailed images of your mouth, from any angle.
- Improve the accuracy of your diagnosis to create an optimized treatment plan.
- Reduce the chances of complications during surgery.
- Limit radiation exposure.
- Generate easy-to-share images you can share with your dentist.
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How 3D Scans Help in Oral Surgery
High-quality images generated by 3D CT scanners give oral and maxillofacial surgeons critical information regarding a patient’s oral health and are utilized in various dental procedures to create successful and efficient treatment plans. They’re essential in enhancing patient safety, ensuring the correct area is treated with little to no impact on areas that are not impacted by the issue.
Prioritizing Your Health and Safety
3D scans require the use of radiation. We understand that some of our patients may be more sensitive to radiation exposure. Therefore, we only take 3D scans when it is beneficial to your treatment to prioritize your health and safety. We will consult with you regarding the necessity for 3D scans for your oral health treatment.
The Smart Choice for Exceptional Extractions & Oral Health
Optimal oral health outcomes. That's our top goal at Wise Decision. At our office in Minnetonka, MN, we proudly provide our community with tooth extraction procedures to make room for better smiles. Schedule a consultation today and see why placing your oral health in our hands is such a wise decision.